All the latest news right here

Find out what the Fonthill team and trustees are up to and who we're working with.

News from our Partners on the Covid-19 Emergency Support – Raising Futures

Fantastic to see Seed of Hope vocational centres re-opening thanks to emergency funding to support the implementation of Covid-safe practices.

News from our Partners on the Covid-19 Emergency Support – KCDC

The latest report from Kyaninga Child Development Centre in Western Uganda, on their lifesaving Covid-19 community support programme.

News from our Partners on the Covid 19 Emergency Support – Spear Brighton

Great to see Spear Brighton adapting so quickly and so successfully during Covid-19 in order to continue to support young people in need during this time.

News from our Partners on the Covid-19 Emergency Support – Ocean Stars

News from our partners Oceans Stars Trust in Sri Lanka on overcoming barriers from Covid-19 through the introduction of technology.

News from our Partners on the Covid-19 Emergency Support – rural Uganda

It is great to see the Covid-19 emergency support having an impact on those who are most in need at this time. This recent report is from a community in rural Uganda.

News from our Partners on the Covid-19 Emergency Funding – Awamu Together

A heart-warming report of the amazing work our project partner's, Awamu Together, are doing in their community in Bwaise, Uganda.

News from our Partners on the Covid-19 Emergency Support – Little Green Pig

News from creative writing charity, Little Green Pig, on how they have adapted to the Covid-19 challenges so they can continue to support the vulnerable children they help.

News from our Partners on the Covid-19 Emergency Support – rural Malawi

Further news coming in from our partners on their Covid-19 emergency action. This latest report is from one of our partners in rural Malawi.

Fonthill WW1 Lives Remembered

Thanks to the hard work of Imperial War Museum volunteer and former Trustee, Ann Hacke. On this Armistice Day, we remember the former Fonthill School pupils & staff who served in World War 1.

Visiting our Project Partners in Kenya to see the work Fonthill has Supported

We recently returned from a rewarding trip to Kenya where we visited some of our current project partners, as well as taking the opportunity to meet with other UK Charities supporting educational projects in the Country.

Visiting our amazing school project partners in Uganda

We had a fantastic trip to visit our education partners in Uganda. As well as seeing the projects we are already working on it was a great opportunity to meet potential new organisations.

We warmly welcome two new trustees to the Board

We are delighted to welcome Niki Cannon and Stephen Wilkins to the Fonthill board. Both Niki and Stephen bring a wealth of experience to the team from the commercial, education and charity sectors.