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Find out what the Fonthill team and trustees are up to and who we're working with.

New Round of Community Grant Funding
We are thrilled to have awarded fifteen Community Grants in our latest funding round. As always we received a high-level of interest in this programme that offers grants of up to £5,000 to community focused education projects. Recipients include: Varndean College, Dens & Signals, Impact Initiatives, Prison Family Support CIC, Tuppenney Barn Education, Brighton Women's Centre, 1st Petworth Scouts, Brighton Marina Studios Foundation, Priory School, Pregnancy Options Centre, Chichester, Debbie Stevens Wellbeing CIC, Carlton Hill Primary School, Brent Lodge Bird & Wildlife Centre, The Goodwood Education Trust, and Family Support Work.
Visiting Saltpond Education Project, Ghana
During our trip to Ghana we also visited a small education organisation based in the southern coastal region of the Country. Saltpond Education Project (SEP) run a small primary school for children in the rural fishing based communities of the south coast. SEP Happy School provides fee-free education to those who need it most, helping to break the cycle of poverty that often afflicts fishing communities in Ghana. It was a joy to finally get to visit the school after the cancellation of our planned trip back in Spring 2020 due to the pandemic.
PEAS School Improvement Programme, Ghana
During our Ghana trip we travelled to the upper west region to visit project partners PEAS, who have been rolling out a successful pilot project with the local Ghana Education Service and partners, the Savannah Education Trust, to design and deliver a sustainable school improvement programme. We were able to see how the programme is driving sustainable change through it's focus on building school leaders’ capacity to drive long-term improvements, including inclusive teaching practices, robust safeguarding systems and a positive school culture.
Visiting EduSpots in Ghana
Having supported EduSpots for many years we were thrilled to finally visit their community-led education spaces in Ghana this year. Their unique locally-driven model of education supports an extensive network of volunteers known as 'Catalysts' to deliver high-quality education in their communities across rural Ghana, where often mainstream education is of poor quality or lacking all together. It was such a pleasure to meet so many inspirational young people who are dedicated to driving change for a better future.
Project Partner Visit to Sabre Education, Ghana
During our trip to Ghana in October we were delighted to spend time with the Sabre Education Team in Accra who had arranged an impressive two days visiting many aspects of their Early Childhood Education programme. With Sabre Education's support, Ghana is now recognised as a leader in early childhood education in Africa, with two years of free, compulsory kindergarten education supported by a robust national policy and play-based curriculum.
2024-25 Residential Activity Trips Funded
We are delighted to have recently approved funding to support 20 residential outdoor activity trips for some of the most in need primary schools across East and West Sussex. The grants mean that these trips, planned for the 2024-25 academic year, will be fully inclusive for all pupils irrespective of their ability to afford to participate.
St Mark’s Triumph again!
Congratulations to St Marks Primary School for taking the Fonthill funded 'Rugby4Change' trophy for the second consecutive year! It was fantastic to join The Change Foundation for the inter-schools competition day where teams from the participating schools went head to head in a series of celebratory tag rugby matches.
Stanmer Wellbeing Gardens Nature-Based Schools Project
It was delightful to join Coombe Primary School pupils during one of their nature based learning sessions at Stanmer Wellbeing Gardens recently. The primary schools project is being funded with a grant from our 10 year Anniversary Fund that focused on nature and environment based education activities.
Jamies Farm Visit
CEO Ceetah Grieves enjoyed a lovely visit to Jamie's Farm, Lewes, recently. The farm provides a unique space for young people offering residential stays built around their unique blend of Farming, Family and Therapy that acts as a catalyst for change. It was great to catch up with the team and see the farm looking glorious at this time of year.
New Equipment for Raising Futures
Fantastic to hear from Raising Futures this week that funding provided to support the students across their three Seed of Hope vocational centres has provided the Kariti Seed of Hope Centre with new hairdressing and beauty therapy equipment, much to the delight of the students on the course.
Young Chefs on the Farm
Trustee Adrian Carver had a fantastic day joining the young chef's from Heron's Dale School as they took part in one of the Fonthill Foundation funded 'Chef on the Farm' days at Plumpton College organised by Table Talk Foundation as part of their schools programme. It was great to see one of our SEND supported school groups having a wonderful time and accessing learning opportunities outside the classroom.
Delighted to be part of Raising Future’s centre opening
We were thrilled to have been part of the opening celebrations for Raising Futures' amazing new vocational centre in Nairobi. Fonthill's CEO Ceetah Grieves, along with trustees Maggie Lloyd and Adrian Carver, joined the Raising Futures Kenya team for this very special event, and were delighted to unveil a plaque to Fonthill's very own classroom!
Revisiting Heri Junior and Lizpal Schools in Kenya
We previously supported two junior schools in Kenya, Heri Junior School and Lizpal School. So it was lovely to take the opportunity to revisit them whilst on our recent partner trip to Nairobi. Both schools were delighted to welcome us, and it was lovely to join in with some of the classroom learning and lunch
Trustees Visit Kangweni Business Centre on recent trip to Kenya
On their recent trip to Kenya for the opening of the new Raising Futures Seed of Hope Vocational Centre, our CEO and Trustees took time to visit Raising Futures’ other centres, including this one, the Kangweni Business Centre in Kitui, and the Kariti Centre in Murang’a.